Daniel R. Jordan is an associate professor of mathematics in the Science and Mathematics department. Recently, his paper titled Proof-Writing Workshops was published by PRIMUS (Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies) and his article written with Elizabeth-Davis Berg, titled The Innovative Use of Mathematica to Teach Biodiversity, was published in The American Biology Teacher. His current projects have been revisions of Exploring Discrete Mathematics with Mathematica and Exploring Discrete Mathematics with Maple, two book-length manuals supplementing Ken Rosen’s popular Discrete Mathematics textbook. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Truman State University and his PhD in mathematics from Indiana University Bloomington.
Instructional Areas
Creative Practice and Research Interests
Mathematics pedagogy, particularly the use of technology
B.S., Mathematics Truman State University 1999
M.A., Mathematics Indiana University 2001
Ph.D., Mathematics Indiana University 2006