Matthew McCurrie - Columbia College Chicago

Matthew McCurrie

Associate Professor


Matthew Kilian McCurrie (Associate Professor— English and Creative Writing) received his Ph.D. in English Studies from Illinois State University. Matt currently teaches courses in the writing and literature programs, and has served as Director of the Program in Writing and Rhetoric and Coordinator of the Graduate Student Instructors Program. Matt’s research interests include writing pedagogy, biblical and religious rhetoric, and English Education. He has published in College Composition and CommunicationPedagogyJournal of Basic Writing, English EducationComposition ForumThe Journal of Writing Teacher EducationThe International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, and the Journal of Expanded Perspectives on Learning. He has also published in edited collections on English teacher education and collaborated with other faculty to write and revise the first-year writing textbook, Key Concepts in Writing and Rhetoric. Among his recent publications are “Taking Another Look at Empathy: Teaching Now” in the Journal of Teaching Writing (2020) and “The Role of Apology in Altering the Discourse of Professional Sports.” Response: The Journal of Popular and American Culture (2021). Matt also regularly presents his research at NCTE, CCCC, and RSA conferences.

 Prior to coming to Columbia, Matt taught at Louisiana State University wherehe was an Assistant Professor of English Education and director of the LSU Writing Project, an affiliate of the National Writing Project. Matt also taught high school English for 12 years.

Instructional Areas

Writing, Rhetoric, and Literature

Creative Practice and Research Interests

Writing Pedagogy, Multimodal Composition, Biblical and Religious Rhetoric


B.A., English Iona College 1986
M.A., English University of Notre Dame 1992
Ph.D., English Studies Illinois State University 2001