Graduate Studies

Columbia Referral Award

If you’ve talked with a friend who is considering graduate school, taught an undergraduate student who wants to continue their education, or simply know someone who seems like they would do well at Columbia, send them our way! Not only will you potentially help them find the best fit for their graduate education, your referral will also provide them with tuition remission toward their first semester if they are admitted to the School of Graduate Studies.

The Columbia Referral Award program provides members of the Columbia College Chicago community an opportunity to refer outstanding candidates to Columbia's graduate programs. The award is available to incoming graduate students who have been referred by a member of the Columbia community, and whose first semester enrolled at the college will be Fall 2025. Both domestic and international students are eligible.

If approved, the award may be up to $1,000 towards Fall 2025 semester tuition. Recipients will be notified at the time that admission to the graduate program is offered.

The deadline for this award is August 1, 2025. Columbia admissions staff cannot issue referrals.

Other Columbia faculty, staff, alumni, and current students may give a referral for an incoming graduate applicant. Please fill out the form below to nominate an applicant for the award.
