Visitor Guidance

Upon entry to campus, visitors will certify the following:



Campus visitors do not need to be vaccinated, but should adhere to masking protocols in effect on campus at the time of their visit. Members of the campus community hosting visitors should continue to notify Campus Security about visitors in advance to facilitate guest access. Visit the new COVID-19 precautions for Fall 2022 page for more information. 

Bringing Children to Campus
Minor children may accompany adult visitors who are coming to campus for the purpose of an exhibition, performance, tour, or other college-related events that are open to the public. COVID-19 testing or proof of vaccination is not required while visiting for an event.
Outside of events as noted above, employees and students may only bring children to work, class, or other parts of campus in the event of an emergency or unavoidable circumstance with prior approval. 

Exceptions may apply due to an emergency or unavoidable circumstance. Exceptions that are granted will be for no more than an hour and under no circumstance are students or employees allowed to bring a minor child to class.

Faculty must make their request to their chair; chairs are to forward the request to the senior associate provost. Other employees must make the request to their immediate supervisor, who must forward the request to their supervising VP/EVP. Students must seek approval from the dean of students.
The employee or student can only bring a minor child to campus for whom they are a parent or legal guardian. The employee or student must ensure they and their children are in compliance with any local, state, or federal COVID orders/requirements, including travel and close-contact quarantine protocols. Children must be properly masked at all times.  
Children must be supervised by their parent, or guardian, at all times. 

Campus Events
The same aforementioned guidance will be in place for all college events with no limit on capacity. Any non-Columbia visitor attending a college event must follow all college guidelines and protocols. Visit the new COVID-19 precautions for Fall 2022 page for more information. 

Private, non-Columbia events hosted on campus, which do not involve any Columbia students or employees, are not subject to COVID-19 vaccination, masking and testing protocols, however, visitors are required to follow city and state guidance.

All outside events held on campus where Columbia students or employees are present must strictly adhere to Columbia COVID protocols. 

If you're part of a Columbia class at an off-site location, you're still required to comply with the college's COVID-19 safety protocols.