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Letter from the Editor

In 1988 Columbia Poetry Review, founded by faculty member Paul Hoover, released its first print issue.  In 2003 David Trinidad took over as faculty advisor.  Other advisors have included Suzanne Buffam, Cora Jacobs, Becca Klaver, and Tony Trigilio.

Poems from CPR have been included in several issues of Best American Poetry and Poetry Daily

Now after three decades Columbia Poetry Review has come to an end with issue no. 34, published at the end of 2020.  To commemorate this occasion, we want to gratefully acknowledge the contributors who have shared their poems over the years, and thank our readers for their continuous support. 

CPR opened issue no. 1 with a poem by Columbia College alum Elaine Equi.  She now lives in New York City and teaches poetry at The New School.  Elaine will close out our issue with “Listening to NPR,” where the last stanza reads:

“Thank you for coming.

Thank you for having me.” 


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