Adjunct Faculty Member Ryan Black to Perform an Experimental Soundscape

Adjunct faculty member and performance artist Ryan Black will perform an original experimental soundscape alongside his creative partner JaNae Contag on June 14 and 15. The project was commissioned by 150 Media Stream, which describes itself as “a multi-faceted achievement in art, architecture, and technology that celebrates the transformational power of art as collective experience and explores the interplay of art, space, and viewership in both public and private contexts.”
The performances will be held June 14 and June 15, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., in the lobby at 150 N. Riverside Plaza in Chicago. Both performances are free and open to the public.
There will be a different performance each day with compositions exploring “Temporal Biomes.” Black and Contag have been working with 150 Media Stream curator and video artist Yuge Zhou to pair each sonic piece with video art works from the 150 Media Stream collection.
Temporal Biomes invites viewers to slow down in their day-to-day lives and spend time immersed in a sonic journey that navigates through imagined forests, deserts, coral reefs, outer space, and beyond.
“Come by at any time, grab a coffee, and stay as long as you’d like,” says Black. Attendees are asked to bring headphones and a mobile device. “You can listen in high-quality audio by scanning a QR code, and even take the sounds with you to your next destination,” explains Black.
Interested in going? RSVP here.
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