'The Hollywood Reporter' Ranks Columbia 12th Best Film School in U.S.

The Hollywood Reporter (THR) ranks Columbia College Chicago the 12th best film school in the U.S. in its 2023 rankings. THR is one of the most trusted resources in entertainment news, reviews, and analysis.
In this year’s ranking, THR highlights Columbia’s strength in graduating top “below-the-line” talent in the film industry, including Emmy-nominated directors of photography (DPs). In addition, THR notes Columbia’s new virtual production curriculum and BA in Sound Design, scholarships, and upcoming production-focused BFA.
“Cinema and Television Arts (CTVA) at Columbia College Chicago is dedicated to providing an education in media storytelling that is both equitable and affordable,” says Interim Co-Chair and Associate Professor Eric Scholl. “Being on this exclusive list is always an honor. It speaks to the dedication of our faculty, the innovation of our curriculum, the creativity of our students, and the achievements of our alumni as they continue to make significant contributions to this industry.”
This honor reflects Columbia’s dedication to its students and keeping pace with the ever-changing film and television industry.
“Our faculty members are focused on cultivating individual expression, enabling our students to embrace life and career imbued with creativity,” says Interim Co-Chair and Professor Wenhwa Ts’ao. “We are committed to shaping adaptable individuals who possess the skills and vision required to thrive in the constantly evolving and dynamic realm of media creation.”
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