
Loans are borrowed money that you can use for college. Your loans must be paid back, along with any interest that may accumulate on them. Different types of loans are available for students, both undergraduate and graduate.

For over borrowing and reaffirmation information, please review information here.

Are you an admitted transfer student? Are you a current undergraduate student? Find out what you might need to know when applying for loans.

Federal Loans

Federal loans, which have lower interest rates and more flexibile repayment options than private student loans, are an investment in your future and can be a great way to pay for school.

For more detailed information about federal loan options, visit our Federal Loans page.

Private Loans

Private Educational Loans are offered by private lenders to assist student borrowers with educational and living expenses. Private Educational Loans are not guaranteed by the Federal government. The borrower (either student or parent) may borrow such a loan through various participants such as banks, credit unions, or savings and loan associations.

Private Educational Loans will be included in your financial aid award and cannot exceed your Cost of Attendance. 

For more information about private loans, visit our Private Loans page.

Academic Dates and Deadlines