NBCU Academy Grant

For continuing undergraduate students


The NBCU Academy Grant provides direct student funding to students pursuing a degree in journalism, media studies, film and television studies, media-related technology or engineering, and related media fields such as advertising and public relations that align with the mission of the NBCU Academy. The College's partnership with NBCU Academy reflects a shared commitment to diversity, equity, and inclsuion, with NBCU Academy elevating the next generation of journalists and providing students from underrepresented communities a pipeline into news, broadcast media, and related media, information, and technology fields. 

Direct student funding provided through NBCU Academy Grants may be used for field reporting, equipment purchases, student housing, tuition subsidies, textbooks and/or academic materials required for student coursework. Columbia College Chicago considers student grantees a cohort, and provides access to significant opportunities made available by NBCU, including virtual and in-person guest lectures, academic workshops and recruiting events, and a range of other benefits that are tied to career development and post-graduate success. Grant funds are prioritized for juniors and seniors who possess a track record of academic achievement, a demonstrated interest in diversity, equity and inclusion, and an investment in creating media content reflective of diverse communities that provide insight into contemporary challenges.


The NBCU Academy Grant is open to:

  • Full-time undergraduates studying within the School of Media Arts
  • 2024-25 Undergraduate students who will complete a minium of 60 credit hours by the end of the Spring 2024 semester, with at least 12 credits hours completed at Columbia by the end of the Fall 2023 semester
  • Students who have earned a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher
  • Previous recipients may reapply

Scholarship based on:

  • Academic Merit

Scholarship amount:

  • Up to $2,500

Notification of the scholarship:

  • For 2024-25 - all applicants will be notified by email in April/May


Contact: scholarships@colum.edu


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