Visit Internal Scholarships and click on APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS to access the Levin Family Internship Fund application. Only complete scholarship applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the award committee.
Students must submit the following materials to make a complete Levin Family Internship Fund application. There are five parts to the application:
PART 1: RESUMEUpload a one-page resume outlining career and academic highlights.
Your resume must include your name and MyColumbia ID number in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. Please upload your resume in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format.
Upload a one-page essay outlining your career goals, prior experience, a list of internships you plan to apply to, and a brief description of how the Award would put an unpaid internship within reach.
Your essay must include your name and MyColumbia ID number in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. Please upload your essay in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format.
Upload 3 samples of work relevant to your internship goals. If you have a completed portfolio, select three of your strongest pieces. If you do not yet have a portfolio, your work samples can include video, audio, images and/or text generated in or outside of your classes. Good examples of work can include documentation of projects, planning documents, writing samples, or website or social media screen grabs.
You must submit your sample in one of the following formats:
- Images: .jpg, .png, .gif
- Video: .mov, .wmv, .flv
- Audio: .mp3
- Documents: .doc, .docx, .pdf
Please Note: Upload size limit is 50MB.
Upload any internship offer letters or other documentation you have already received. It is not required that you have been offered an internship before applying, but this will expedite the administration of the award should you be selected.
Please upload your documentation in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format.
One letter of recommendation from a faculty/staff member or a supervisor is optional but recommended. Letters of recommendation can enhance your application, particularly if your GPA or credits fall short of the expectations outlined above. Note: Letters of recommendation may not be from an Internship and Career Advisor.
Remember to contact your recommenders directly before providing their information on the application. Be sure to give recommenders as much time as possible to write the letters. Requests made at the last minute are often difficult to fulfill by the deadline.
Access online applications through Internal Scholarships.