Visit Internal Scholarships and click on APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS to access the Tribune McCormick Diversity Internship Program application. Only complete scholarship applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the scholarship committee.
Please follow all directions carefully. Students must submit the following materials to make a complete Tribune McCormick Diversity Internship Program application. There are five parts to the application:
PART 1: ResumeUpload a one-page resume outlining career and academic highlights.
Please Note: Your resume must include your name and MyColumbia ID number in the upper right-hand corner of the first page. Please upload your resume in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format.
PART 2: EssayUpload a one-page essay outlining your commitment to journalism and your career path.
Your essay must be double-spaced, and include your name and MyColumbia ID number in the upper right-hand corner of each page. Please upload your proposal in .pdf, .doc, or .docx format.
PART 3: Work SamplesPlease upload 3 to 5 samples of work in the following formats:
Images: .jpg, .png, .gif
Video: .mov, .wmv, .flv
Audio: .mp3
Documents: .pdf
Please Note: Upload size limit is 50 MB
PART 4: Internship Documentation
Optional: Upload any internship offer letters or other documentation you have already received. It is not required that you have been offered an internship before applying, but this will expedite the administration of the award should you be selected.
Please upload your internship documentation in .pdf, .docx, or .jpg format
PART 5: FAFSA Submission Summary
A current FAFSA Submission Summary must be on file. To receive a FAFSA Submission Summary, students must complete a 2024-25 financial aid application (FAFSA) by April 18, 2025.
Access online applications through Internal Scholarships.