Bridget Kingston


Bridget Kingston is a recipient of the 2020 Chicagoland Transfer Award Scholarship. If you are a transfer student and would like to apply for this award, click here to learn more.

What made you choose Columbia?

Columbia has been one of the only schools on my radar since high school, largely due to the incredible environment it fosters for creative minds. After finishing my Associate’s Degree through College of DuPage, I sought out schools that would nourish all my inherent strengths beyond just my major. It was during this time that a professor of mine informed me of a new enhanced transfer program he had implemented between COD and Columbia for English. After working closely with both schools to iron out the final details, I am incredibly excited to be the first student taking advantage of this amazing program.

What do you plan on studying during your time here?

I was drawn to Columbia’s English BA program not only through the transfer agreement with College of DuPage, but because I wanted a degree that could translate across multiple career paths. I am looking forward to filling up my schedule with creative writing and literature courses, as well as courses on gender, equality, and social justice. 

What are your career goals at this time?

My biggest inspirations thus far have been my professors. I always knew I wanted to do something important, and helping shape young minds seems like an excellent place to start fostering a more equitable future. I think of all the incredible teachers I’ve had in my life with great reverence, as I feel they’ve propelled me forward beyond just academics. I hope to be able to do the same for students of my own someday.

What do you most look forward to about learning and creating in Chicago? 

As a lifelong habitant of the Chicago suburbs, I am eager to know this complex and beautiful city on a more intimate level. I’m looking forward to creating a home and finding my community, as well as learning from the voices and artists that continue to make Chicago an epicenter of culture, diversity, and achievement. 

How do you see your artistic practice engaging with contemporary events? 

I feel it’s difficult to separate my artistic practice from contemporary events, especially in today’s climate. It’s hard for one not to be influenced by outside events, especially when they are of such great magnitude. For me, it’s important to create as a means of recording events and moments, whether they’re personal or on a larger global scale. I see my artistic practice carrying me through these unprecedented times, as well as serving as important reminders for the future.