Two Alums Named Recipients of 2018 Joan Mitchell Foundation Grants

Fine Arts alum EJ Hill ’11 and Art and Art History alum Krista Franklin MFA ’13 have both been named recipients of the 2018 Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters and Sculptors Grants, which provides 25 artists with $25,000 each in unrestricted funds.
EJ Hill is a performance artist whose work often involves physical endurance, as he uses his own body to address the politics of race and gender. His work has been featured in Hammer Museum, Los Angeles (2018), Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne/Rhône-Alpes, France (2017), The Underground Museum, Los Angeles (2017), and several other galleries. He is based in Los Angeles.
Krista Franklin is an interdisciplinary artist whose work has appeared in Poetry, Black Camera, Copper Nickel, Callaloo, Vinyl, BOMB Magazine, and several anthologies. Her most recent book is titled Under the Knife.
The artists are nominated to the Joan Mitchell Foundation by artist peers and arts professionals throughout the US, and are then chosen through an anonymous multi-phase jurying process that reflects a diverse range of backgrounds and approaches to work. In addition to the financial support allotted through the Painters and Sculptors Grants, recipients become eligible to apply for residencies at the Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans and gain access to a network of arts professionals.
The Joan Mitchell Foundation notes that “the grant recipients' work represents a wide range of artistic techniques, approaches, and concerns, and engages with such pressing issues as migration, identity, notions of belonging, and representation within the art historical canon and in social and political spheres, among other important subjects.”
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